Your Life Can Make A Difference
All of us can make a difference in someone’s life, and we should strive to do so. Before you read any more of this devotion ask yourself, “Does my life make a difference?” Prayerfully it does. If not – why not? God has not saved us for ourselves, but so that others may see Christ in us. God has given all of us the
ability to make a difference. Prayerfully our lives are constantly making a difference for others. In James 5:20, we find these words:
“You can be sure that whoever brings the sinner back from wandering will save that person from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins.”
James urges fellow believers to embrace those who have erred in sin. That is our responsibility as the priesthood of believers. If we wander from the truth, we need someone who knows the Lord to speak to us and correct us without condemnation or self-righteousness. At Bethlehem when the invitation of Christian discipleship is extended, the congregation asks each other, “May I walk with you?” Those simple words provide an opportunity for the congregation to make a difference. Thank God today that someone extended their hand to us, and we are now heirs and joint heirs of God.