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It is a blessing to work for the Lord! We have been saved by the grace and mercy of
God who has called us to do good work in His name. We should not work for particular
recognition, or the glory for ourselves, but we should work to give glory and honor to
God. All that we do should give evidence of His Glory. Working for the Lord brings
great dividends. Yes, working for the Lord can get hard, but it pays to serve the Lord.
In Romans 4:5, we find these words:
“But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because
of their faith in God who forgives sinners.”

In this chapter, we see the faith of Abraham. God called him
righteous because of his faith. The writer indicates that
righteousness is not earned because of work but having faith in the
Lord. God is the forgiver of all sins. Oh, the joys of those whose
sins are forgiven! For those who recognize you have been cleansed
of sin and you know that your sins are forgiven, you should be able to work for the
Lord with gratitude in your hearts. To whom much is given, much is required. God has
forgiven all our sins, so praise God today and work for Him!