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We Can Survive The Storm

All of us need to know how to live a joy-filled life. Storms will come in our lives — they are a part of life. We all need to know that we can survive the storm, with God’s help. So the question is not “is a storm coming, but rather how will we survive the storm?” Some may be in a storm while reading this devotion; the Word of God gives us direction and guidance on how to survive. All we have to do is read and apply God’s word. In Psalm 107:30, we find these words: 

“What a blessing was that stillness as He brought them safely into harbor!”

In previous verses, the people had cried to the Lord in their time of trouble and He delivered them from their distress. The Lord calmed their storm, and they were indeed grateful. They prayed and the Lord heard their prayers. Read this chapter when you get a chance. Notice that the Lord brought them to their desired destination. He provided everything they needed, and when they got to their destination, He blessed them mightily, and the psalmist gives thanks to the Lord. Whenever we have been through a storm and God has brought us out, we can’t help but give Him thanks. Whatever storm we go through, we can survive because of God’s powerful hand.