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Today’s devotion provides practical teaching for everyday life. We have been called as God’s people to wait on the Lord in the midst of our trials and troubles. Let me be clear, waiting is not always easy. Waiting can be painful. In addition, if we are honest, some of us put a timetable on how long we will wait, before taking matters in our own hands and making a mess of things. We need God to give us the strength that we need to wait on Him. Waiting is not wasted time and we can make good of our time by drawing near to God. Waiting gives us patience and increases our faith. Waiting allows us to trust fully Him. Waiting can be good for our spiritual growth. Psalm 40:1 is our scriptural reference.

 “I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and He turned to me and heard my cry.”

In this moving passage, the psalmist waits patiently. Underline that word patiently. He does not wait with his own timetable or by complaining. He does not wait as if God will not show up. The psalmist says that the Lord heard his cry and pitied his groan. He says that the Lord lifted him out of the pit of despair, and out of the muck and mire. He set his feet on solid ground, steadied his steps, and put a new song in his heart. Waiting is a testimony and others will see what the Lord does when they put their trust in Him. The waiting allowed the psalmist to be a witness. He had a story to tell, a praise song to sing and a God to glorify. There is much to gain by waiting on the Lord. Just keep on waiting on the Lord and know that waiting is not wasted time. He may not come when we call Him, but He is always on time. He is an on time God. Just keep on waiting.