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Wait On The Lord!

Last week I wrote about “Waiting on the Lord.”  To “wait on the Lord” is easy to say, but hard to do. Waiting can be difficult, particularly when the storms of life are raging. When troubles seem to be relentless, never-ending and all around us, waiting can be a challenge. I know that there are those who can say, without batting an eye to others, “Wait on the Lord.” But it takes a great deal of faith, strength and experience to wait on the Lord. It is not something that you can do as a babe in Christ. You have to be a seasoned saint and a prayer warrior with enough experience to know that God, in His own time, will come to your aid. This matter of waiting on the Lord is not a cliché like, “Too blessed to be stressed” or “Blessed and highly favored.”  Those are good sound bites, but have no real substance. You just can’t say “Wait on the Lord” without some knowledge and faith. In Psalm 27:14, we find these words:

Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

We can tell that the Psalmist had been through some things by the fact that he begins this chapter by saying, “The Lord is my light and my salvation, so why should I be afraid?” Throughout this chapter, he speaks of having confidence in the Lord. A series of events led him to this point in his life; then he gives his own testimony, “wait, patiently for the Lord.”  In other words, be strong, take courage, and wait. May we all be strengthened today by the psalmist’s testimony. Take refuge in Him, and wait on Him, for He is our rock and our salvation. There is no storm that the Lord cannot calm.