There Is Nothing to Be Gained from Worry
A gentleman once told me how meaningful these devotions are to him. He said that he reads several nationally acclaimed devotions, but he felt a personal attachment to the ones that I write. I appreciated his words because these devotions come from my personal walk with God. I wish I could say that my walk with God was full and complete, but like every believer, I have some areas in my life where I need to grow. I must admit that there are still some things that cause me anxiety and concern. I pray that the time will come when I cease to worry. Until that time, I need to stay in the Word of God and be reminded that there is nothing to be gained from worry. In Matthew 6:25, we find these words:
“’That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing?’”
We cannot be distracted or allow our lives to slip away from us by concentrating on things we have no control over. We have to put our faith and trust in God and allow Him to do for us that which we can’t do for ourselves. I hear concerns from some such as, “Will I have enough money to retire? What happens if I get sick, who will care for me?” The list goes on and on. We definitely need to make preparations for those days, if God grants us those seasons. But we who are wise will not spend time worrying about the seasons that are yet to come; because where God guides, He will provide. We must learn to live one day at a time, trusting God. There is nothing we can gain in worrying about what lies ahead; knowing Him is all we need.