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I am a morning person. I thrive on the beauty of early mornings. I begin my day with the Church-Without-Walls prayer line and it is such a blessing. I write these devotions in the morning and it seems that the mornings are when I find myself seeking closeness with God. It starts my day and lets me know that He knows the way I take. When trouble or trials come during the course of the day, I know He is there with me and for me. The best way to start and continue on the way, is to know The Way. There are detours and roadblocks. One must follow Jesus, who is The Way. When I look back over my life I see that the many destructive things that have happened were results of my not following God’s way. I know that I am not alone. When we follow Him and His way we cannot go wrong. In John 14:6, we find these words:

Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.’”  

Just a few days ago, we read about Jesus identifying Himself as the Bread of Life. In John 14:6, Jesus declares that He is “the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through (Him).” We attain life and fellowship with God as we come to Him. He is the way to the Father, the divine truth, the way of salvation, redemption and eternal life. He is the way for grace and peace, mercy and pardon, discernment and fulfillment. All we need is in His hands. He is the way and there is no way that we can live without Him. Praise God today that Jesus is The Way.