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The Lord Will Stay with Us

I have written on many occasions in these devotions about the blessings I have received from our early Morning Prayer line.  I know that I am not alone, for I have heard constantly how others who are part of the prayer line have received many blessings.  Through the power of prayer, we have watched God heal the sick, restore strength to the weak, comfort the bereaved and open shut doors. The list of these blessings is so numerous that we cannot even begin to name them all.  One thing that has been consistent is the fact that the Lord never leaves us or forsakes us.  He stays with us through all of life’s trials and troubles.  What a wonderful expression of love the Master has bestowed upon us:  He is always there.  Never a burden He does not share, never a sorrow He does not care, and never heartache He cannot soothe. Thanks be unto God for His abiding presence.  The knowledge that He is always there is seen throughout the scriptures, for in John 11:6 we find these words:

“He stayed where He was for the next two days.”

The Master, after hearing the news that Lazarus was sick, did not immediately go to visit him.  In fact, the record says He waited two days. Although the Master who loved Mary and Martha was moved by the news of Lazarus’ sickness, He also knew this sickness was not unto death, but that the glory of God might be revealed. The Master arrived at Lazarus’s tomb and there He brought forth a blessing by His power.  Lazarus was brought back to life.  The Master came just in time although it appeared He was too late.  That’s how the Master works at times. When we feel all hope is lost, the Master shows up. Even when we think He has not, He is there by His power and by His spirit.  It is my prayer today, as you face lengthy trials and tribulations and feel as though the Master will not arrive in time, just know His delay is not an indication He is not there, or not concerned.  Your blessings will come, you must believe.  Remember, He is always there and always faithful, but you must believe

John 11:6 (NLT)