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The Lord Shall Direct our Paths

I have mentioned on several occasions how valuable the book of Proverbs is to our day-to-day living. It provides  numerous words of wisdom and gives us many valuable instructions on how we are to live; it’s a road map for life. When we put our faith and trust in God He will direct our paths. I remember a song sung by Frank Sinatra entitled, “I Did It My Way,”  but we cannot live our lives doing things our way. Not only will we self-destruct, but we will cause devastation and destruction for others. We have the blueprint for life, and in order to find fulfillment in our lives we must be willing to follow it. In every aspect of our lives we must be guided by the principles and standards God has set before us. In Proverbs 3:6, we find these words:

“In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.”

The writer of this wise literature makes it clear that we must have absolute obedience and surrender in every realm of life before He can direct our paths. In every aspect of our life He must be our guide. We  must completely surrender to Him and allow Him to lead us, for He knows the way. It requires faith, trust, and obedience. When we read this chapter we will find these words: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; make straight your path; be not wise in thine own eyes; let thine heart keep my commandments” and other profound words that impart wisdom to us for how we should live. Prayerfully, we will allow God to guide us and direct our paths in all ways.