The Gift Of Encouragement
As I was preparing to write this devotion, I was blessed with a gift of encouragement. One of our members gave me a gift of a book of encouraging words. What a blessing it is to have people of God shower you with gifts of encouragement; not just with physical gifts, but with words and prayers. We all need to be encouraged. I believe with all of my heart that encouragement is a gift of the Spirit. In Philippians 2:25, we find these words:
“Meanwhile, I thought I should send Epaphroditus back to you. He is a true brother, co-worker, and fellow soldier. And he was your messenger to help me in my need.”
Paul knew that the people stood in need of encouragement, so he sent Epaphroditusas a messenger to minister to the needs of the people until Timothy arrived. When you get a chance, read this entire chapter, and see how God used these men to bless the lives of His people. When we go through difficult times, thank God that He sends someone to encourage us. Thank God for those who have been given the gift of encouragement!