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The Blessings Of A New Day

As I write this devotion, I am so thankful to God for the power and the movement of the Holy Spirit. I write these devotions weeks before they are printed. I do several at a time so that they may be ready for the next quarter. I already had a scripture scheduled for this day, but once again, the Spirit of God spoke to my heart through a poem titled, “Each Day You Live “that was printed in a Homegoing Service program. The author’s name was not included but these are the words of the poem: 

Each day you live be grateful you are alive another day

Take time to gather flowers, in abundance, to give away.

Give the flowers to the living we were taught long ago…

Speak while they can hear you, if you love them tell them so.

Seek no man out to slander or to ridicule his name

We all belong to Jesus and He loves each one the same.

Do what you can for others, hear their distressful cry

God sees how we treat others, He knows when we pass them by.

Never leave kind words unspoken, greet each one with a smile

Each day will grow brighter, each day more worthwhile.

As I read these words, I thought of today’s scripture lesson. In Psalm 118:24, we find these words:

“This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

I use these exact words to begin our early morning prayer service. With a heart of gratitude, the psalmist penned these words. His heart is on fire for the Lord. In fact, throughout this entire psalm, he speaks of the need to give God thanks for each new day. Let us use this day to the glory of God and show forth our kindness by expressing God’s miraculous power to others. Always remember that every day is a gift from God. Use it wisely.