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As I was preparing for this devotion, I realized that it speaks to all God’s people — including me. I must admit that there are times I worry even though I know the consequences. Worry produces nothing but stress, strain, and pain, but somehow in my humanness I continue to worry.  This may sound strange, because as Pastor, I could say that I never worry about anything.  But that is so far from the truth! In
these difficult days in which we live I worry about health issues. The list of things that concern me goes on and on, and I know I’m not alone. We have all heard the saying, “If you are going to pray, why worry, and if you are going to worry, why pray.” It sounds nice, but there may be some nights when we find ourselves tossing and turning. Even though we have prayed, we still worry.  Those are the times when
we must remember that we have assurance that God’s got it all in His hands!  In Luke 12:29.we find these words:

And don’t be concerned about what to eat and what to drink. Don’t worry about such things.

Jesus is talking to the disciples, teaching them about putting their trust in the Lord. He tells them that worry cannot accomplish anything because the Father already knows their needs. In verse 31, He says,
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need.” When you get a chance, read this entire chapter.  I pray that we will all find strength in knowing that God will take care of us and provide all that we need. Stop worrying!