It is amazing how one word can reveal something about us. Our understanding of the word “revenge” speaks volumes about how we live our lives. Some people spend a great deal of time seeking revenge, trying to get even with someone. They cannot enjoy the blessings of life because of their inability to let go and let God. This devotion will help us live lives pleasing unto God. In Romans 12:19, we find these words:
“Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, ‘I will take revenge; I will pay them back,’ says the Lord.”
Vengeance belongs to God. The overthrowing of evil is in God’s hands. Paul specifically speaks about the need to leave this in the hands of God, where judgment exists. Paul makes it clear that if we resort to vengeance, we are infringing on the power of God, and that power does not belong to us. Reverence and humility belong to us. We are to leave the matter of righting wrongs to God. If we say that we trust God, then we should know that God will invoke justice for the wrongs that have been done. Paul never considered repaying evil with evil. The Word says, in Romans 12:20 (KJV), “If your enemy is hungry – feed him, if thirsty – give him a drink.” This is the mandate we have been given for holy living. If we follow it, our lives will be better, our trust in God will be strengthened, and our walk with Him will be blessed.