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As believers, we must always resist the devil. The flesh is weak. If we are not careful, we will find ourselves reacting to the devil. Make no mistake; the devil is real. He does not come in a red suit with a pitchfork, but he comes to rob, steal, and take away our joy. All of us, me included, are subject to fall prey to the devil. Let me be honest, if the devil is not bothering you, then he already has you where he wants you to be. The devil is cunning and wise, and he knows to attack in your weakest moments. The songwriter wrote, “Yield not to temptation.” All of us will be tempted and we must resist temptation. The scripture lesson is James 4:7.

 “So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

James understands that we must humble ourselves, for the devil takes delight in our pride and arrogance. At one point, James says, “Draw close to God and He will draw close to you.” In this chapter, James talks about the need to conduct ourselves in ways that honor God. James is aware of the devil’s power and he knows that God’s power is stronger. Our prayer today is that you will never allow the devil to take you from God’s hands. Be strengthened by the knowledge and faith that God can keep you in perfect peace, because your mind is stayed on Him.