There are times in our lives when we need to be renewed by the Spirit of God. Many things preoccupy our minds. If we are not careful, we will find ourselves engaged in things outside of God’s will. I would argue strongly that none of us are immune to pulling away from the power of God. Oh, I know that some claim that they are always following God. However, when the truth is told, things can cause us to become angry and sometimes resentful. We can never afford to let our guard down. Thanks be unto God who renews our spirit. Ephesians 4:23 is our scriptural text and reads in this manner:
“Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.”
In this moving passage of scripture, Paul speaks of living as children of the Light, living under the Lord’s authority, and turning away from lustful pleasures. Live according to what you have learned about Christ, throw away your old sinful nature, and allow the Spirit to renew your minds and heart. Put on a new nature to be righteous and holy like God. This chapter is worth reading as Paul tells us what to let go and what to pick up. Whatever you do, let God’s Spirit renew you and live a fruitful and meaningful life.