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Redeeming The Time

As I was writing this devotion, I thought about how the Lord allows us time to come to the saving grace that He so freely offers. He is patient with us and gives us redeeming time to get our lives in order. How tragic it is, that in many cases, we fail to take advantage of the time that He has granted us. If we are wise, we will not allow this time to pass without repenting. Our time is in the Lord’s hands. We do not know when or how the Lord will cease giving us the time we need to get our lives in order. In Ephesians 5:15, we find these words:  

“So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise.”

Paul cautions the people to be careful how they live. In other words, he warned them to be mindful of how they put their Christian beliefs and virtues into practice, reminding them to walk worthy of their vocation (Ephesians 4:1). He wants them to live a life that is filled with love, and not as those who are foolish and waste their time on silly things. He wants them to be wise and honor God in all that they do. He is laying the standards for Christian living as he speaks of the need to understand and practice the will of God. What profound truths are in this chapter! Read this entire chapter when you get a chance. Then know, without a shadow of a doubt, that our time is in the Lord’s hands. What we do with God’s precious gift of time is so important. If we have not already done so, we should take the time to get right with God — and do it now!