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There are no words to describe a mountaintop experience — it leaves you speechless! One can only share the experiences you have had after God has rescued you in your time of need. I know I am not alone when I say that I still marvel at some of those breathtaking experiences that God has rescued me from. In Mark 6:46, we find these words:

“After telling everyone good-bye, he went up into the hills by himself to pray.”

Jesus fed the crowd of 5,000 with five loaves and two fish, then dismissed the crowd and went up to the mountain to pray. From there He performed another miracle, walking on water and speaking peace to the angry sea. Prayer was the source of His power. Whenever we have a mountaintop experience, we need to spend time with God. In fact, before we have a mountain top experience we should spend time with God. This will fortify us, preparing us for whatever comes our way. Life’s lessons are taught through mountaintop experiences—prayer is the source of our power.