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When we pray, one of our prayers should be to increase our faith in God. We should not pray as if we are in doubt. We should pray with confidence that God has the power to answer our prayers. It is our faith in God that allows us to do great things, and to know that there is nothing that God cannot do. Because of our faith, we can forgive others. Because of our faith, He will lead us, guide us, and bless us. I pray, as I write these words, that your prayer today is, “Lord give me more faith. Help me to have faith over fear.” We must believe that faith is stronger than fear. There is no fear in God. Our God can do all things and do all things well. If we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. But we do not want our faith to remain small like a seed. We want our faith to grow and blossom. We live in times today where we need to have a great amount of faith. In Luke 17:5, we find these words:

“The apostles said to the Lord, ‘Show us how to increase our faith’.”

Jesus is speaking to His disciples, telling them that they will always be tempted to sin, but also warning them about the penalty of sin. He also tells them that if a person sins, to forgive that person, no matter how many times the person wrongs them. Each time, the person must be forgiven. The Lord explains, in Matthew 17: 20, how to increase our faith, saying, “If you have faith even the size of a mustard seed you can say to this mountain, move.” The Master is trying to develop their faith so they can not only forgive others, but to do great things in His name. When you get a chance, read this entire chapter. Pay close attention to the Lord’s teaching about forgiveness and faith. I have come to realize that we cannot forgive others without the faith to know that God is there for us every step of the way. Pray for more faith, then allow your faith in God to grow.