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On this Palm Sunday, many houses of worship will be filled to capacity as we praise
and give thanks to God. Prayerfully our praises will be real and consistent because we
have so many reasons to praise the Lord. He is the King of all Kings. We owe Him so
much. We thank God today that we serve a mighty and glorious God. Realize how
blessed we are that we receive blessings from on high each day. I would argue strongly
that far too many people have a short memory, forgetting how good God has been. This
should not be the only day that we praise God for His goodness. We should praise Him
every day! Praise His High and Holy Name! Let the praises flow! In Mark 11:9, we find these words,
“Jesus was in the center of the procession, and the people all around him were shouting, “Praise God! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the LORD!”
In this chapter, we see the triumphant entry of Jesus as He enters Jerusalem riding on a
donkey. People were lined on the streets trying to get a glimpse of Him. The road was spread with palm branches. Jesus was in the center of the people, who all around Him were shouting praises to Him. Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Unfortunately, these same praises were short-lived. Let our praises never ever end. Let us always find ways to give Praise to the King!