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As I write this devotion, I remember one of our faithful servants at Bethlehem. We have been friends for a number of years. He was at the first church I pastored. I was privileged to marry him and his faithful wife. We have grown together and worked together. He would always say, “Pastor, have a backup plan – Plan A and Plan B.” Therefore, if things don’t go as Plan A, we watch God work in Plan B. The scripture reference is Romans 8:28.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.”

Paul writes of the power of God and that God has a plan. Everything works according to God’s plan. Paul knows that although it may not appear to be good on the outside, good can come from it. Paul knew that God could turn what looked like a disaster into a blessing. He was confident. If the original plan did not work, God had another way of turning things around. His plan was not to give up when things were bad, but trust God for the ultimate good out of a horrible experience. In the end, something good would ultimately take place. If things don’t work out the way we want it to, just trust God. Ultimately, God has a plan. We may not see it from the beginning, but know there is another part. It will turn out good. It did not start off good in Plan A, but Plan B will ultimately be for our good. That’s a lot for us to digest, but it is true. All things, no matter how difficult, will turn out for good to those who love the Lord.