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Offering God a Sacrifice

It’s so important that we offer God the first fruits of our lives. It is also important that we come before Him with a sacrifice of praise, offering Him the best that we have. The word sacrifice is often missing in our Christian vocabulary. Everything we do, say, and think should be expressed out of a deep desire to bring a sacrifice before Him. In Genesis 22:9, we find these words:

“When they arrived at the place where God had told him to go, Abraham built an altar and arranged the wood on it. Then he tied his son, Isaac, and laid him on the altar on top of the wood.”

Abraham took Isaac, his only son, and laid him on the altar to offer him to God. Think about this unbelievable sacrifice. Abraham had already been told what to do. He had the assurance that God would provide, yet he did not know how. His faith directed him to do exactly what the Lord had commanded. Read this moving story, then ask yourself if you are willing to make that kind of supreme sacrifice. God is not calling us today to duplicate that sacrifice, but He is calling us to make a sincere sacrifice unto Him. We are blessed with the assurance that God will provide; therefore, there is nothing that we should withhold from Him. Let me say once again, that God is not calling us today to do as Abraham did. Rest assured that God requires us to offer Him the very best that we have. He has given us His best; we can at least offer Him the sacrifice of praise!