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All that we do should be done for God’s glory. We should not have selfish motives, but motives that are pure and honorable. Even when we ask God for blessings, our prayers should come from our hearts so that our lives become vessels for His will and His way. We must ensure that our service is not about us, but always about Him. When our motives are right, God will bless us. In Mark 10:51, we find these words:

“What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked. “My Rabbi, the blind man said, “I want to see!”

Jesus speaks to the blind man, asking what his desire is. The man simply wants to see. What follows is deep and profound. Jesus says in the next verse, “Your faith has healed you.” After receiving his sight, the man follows Jesus. What a wonderful response to healing! The blind man’s sight was restored and his heart was set on fire. He began praising God by serving Him and following Him. Let me repeat, all that we do should be done for God’s glory. When He blesses us, we should be like the blind man ­— we should praise and serve the Lord!