I have not only watched people be outraged towards each other, but I have felt the anger of others towards me. Some of those who were angry with me were upset for no apparent reason. I have learned that we cannot please everybody. But I do not want the Lord to be angry with me. I ask Him consistently to forgive me for any mistake I have made or sin I have committed. In Psalm 6:1, we find these words:
“O Lord, don’t rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your rage.”
David pleads with the Lord for deliverance. In verses 2-6 we find that his “bones are in agony”, and he is “… sick at heart.” His plea is “ Return, O Lord, and rescue me” because he is “worn out from sobbing. All night I flood my bed with weeping, drenching it with my tears.” David prays that God will not discipline him in anger, but rather in love. This devotion requires us to take inventory of our lives. There may have been times when we disobeyed God and He had every right to be angry with us. Thanks be unto God that even when we deserved His anger, He gave us His love instead. David makes it clear that the Lord heard his cry and received His prayer. We should ask God not to be angry with us, for we all make mistakes from time to time. May He receive our prayers the same as He did David’s.