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As believers, we are to be living in the light of the Lord. We once lived in darkness, but once we have found and accepted the “light of the world,” our lives must show that we have come into the marvelous light. Our lights should be shining bright, not dimmed, but bright so that others will see Jesus in us and glorify His holy and righteous Name. Let me be clear: None of us are perfect, but we serve a perfect God. As a result of His perfection, we are made brand-new. Thank God that we can give God praise and
thank Him for His light that shines within us day-in and day-out. In Ephesians 5:8, we find these words:

“For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the LORD. So live as people of light!”

The writer speaks about the importance of living in the light. He begins the chapter by saying, “Imitate God in everything you do because you are His dear children.” He loved us and offered Himself as a sacrifice for us. He goes on, advising that we don’t do things that would dishonor God, but
that we honor God by living our lives as people of the light. Produce only what is good and right. Take no part in worthless deeds that are evil but expose them instead. Prayerfully, today, we are all striving to
follow this guidance and walk, as well as live in the light of the Lord.