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When we walk and live in the will of God, we can make our requests known to Him, and He will bless us. God knows our needs, and He will bless us according to His will and His mercy.  There may be times when we have prayed to God for some of the desires of our hearts, but found ourselves disappointed or even angry if God did not respond the way we wanted.  We must remember that our requests must always be aligned with His will.  In Philippians 4:6, we find these words:

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.”

Paul says that we do not need to want for anything, but with prayer and thanksgiving, we can present our requests to God.  However, we must have clear discernment between our will and His will. If we are honest, sometimes we seek things of the flesh that are really not beneficial to us.  They may give us temporary satisfaction, but God knows what will give us long lasting fulfillment.  He always has our best interests in mind.  We should let our requests be known before God, and He will bless us in a mighty way.