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Life is a gift from God; therefore, we should let God direct our lives. He is the giver of life, and all that we do should honor Him.  If we acknowledge Him in all our ways and allow Him to direct our lives, we cannot go wrong. Unfortunately, when we try to do things our way, we make a mess out of our lives. And this can sometimes also affect the lives of others. We cannot expect to have a bountiful life if we say, “I did it my way.”  It has to be God’s way. His ways are right, honorable, and true, and they will lead to a bountiful life, He has given us a blueprint for living — we must be willing to follow it. Most of what we find ourselves dealing with in life is a result of our doing what we want to do as opposed to letting God direct our lives. Take a moment and look at your life to see whether you really have been letting the Lord lead you and direct you, or are you in trouble because you decided to take matters into your own hands? Prayerfully, we can all can say that the Lord is the head of our lives, and we are following His directions. In Psalm 37:5,we find these words:

“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.”

The psalmist makes an appeal to the people to follow the Lord’s directions. He tells them to trust God, stop being angry, and not to lose their temper because it only leads to harm. He also told them, “The Lord directs the steps of the Godly, and He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble they will not fall for the Lord holds them by His hand. Turn from evil and do good and you will live in the land forever. The Lord rescues the Godly; He is their fortress in times of trouble. He saves them and they find shelter in Him.”  My brothers and sisters in Christ, I close with these words: I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor His seed begging for bread. Acknowledge Him in all thy ways and He will direct thy path.