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Knowing God

There is a vast difference between knowing about God and knowing God. Many people know about God and His wondrous works and His healing hand. They know all about His attributes, grace, and mercy, but they really don’t know Him. To know Him is to love Him. The more you know Him, the more you love Him. Even when trouble mounts, you can say, “I know that my God will make a way somehow.” You may not be able to quote scripture or every doctrine thoroughly, but you know that He is God. Take a moment before you read any further and thank God that you know Him! If you do not know Him in a deep and intimate way, simply say, “I want to know you more for myself. I want to move from knowing about you to knowing you.” In Exodus 6:2, we find these words:

“And God said to Moses, ‘I am Yahweh—the Lord.’”

God discloses His plans to call and commission Moses.’ This divine assignment is a result of their intimate relationship. He had blessed the people in the past, and God was doing something brand new through Moses. God cannot use us unless we first know Him. In order for us to really serve the Lord, we must have a deep relationship through an encounter with Him. When we do, we are ready for service. Prayerfully, we are all ready for service because we know Him.