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Meekness is one of the most difficult virtues for most people. For some reason we have equated humility with weakness, but to be humble is a blessing from on high. Jesus, the Master Teacher, has set the example for us. He was meek and mild, but at the same time He had all power and authority in His hands. He set many examples for us to follow. In John 13:15, we find these words:

“ I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you.”

In the Upper Room, the Master provides a living example of what we are called to do. In the midst of betrayal and denial, the Master does the work of a servant and washes His disciples’ feet. In other words, He shares with His disciples through this example, that as He has done it to them, they should also do it to others. What a wonderful expression of love the Master shares with His disciples!  It is my prayer  that we will follow the example of the Master and live with all humility and love.  We should not boast and brag, but rather we should be willing to follow the example of Jesus Christ.