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As we grow in the Lord, there is a yearning that comes upon us that makes us hungry for the Word of God.  We are babes in Christ, craving for the word to feed us so that we might grow and develop to become all that God would have us to be.  I do not know if you have ever been hungry for the Word, but there have been times in my life I needed to hear from the Lord through His Word.  His Word is the only thing that can satisfy our hunger.  We cannot make it without our ability to feed on the Word of God, especially in these crucial times in which we live.  We need to be strengthened by the Word of God.  Nothing else can satisfy us.  Many of us have tried to satisfy ourselves with things that are not in God’s will, however, we have come to understand that we cannot make it without God’s Holy Word.  In 1Peter 2:2,we find these words:

Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment.

The writer makes clear that we cannot make it without the nourishment of the Word
of God.  Each of us want to be able to say that we had a taste of the Lords’ kindness, realizing that nothing, but the Word of God, can feed us.  The writer begins this chapter by simply saying, “So get rid of all evil behavior.  Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech.”  The writer is aware that nothing can satisfy us except for the pure, spiritual nourishment that comes from the Word of God.   Thank God for His Word!