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He Is With The Weak

In preparing this devotion, I thought of a conversation that I had with another minister who said that this subject could be “He is Worth the Wait.”  I thought about it, but I felt this one was better. When we wait on the Lord, even in our weakness, it is worth it; He will surely be with those who are tired, weary, worn and weak. When all is said and done, it will be worth the wait, for He will renew our strength. Life will cause us to be weak at times. But, thanks be unto God that  in our weakness, He is our strength. In 2 Corinthians 11:29, we find these words:

“Who is weak without my feeling that weakness? Who is led astray, and I do not burn with anger?”

Paul carried a constant burden of anxiety about the spiritual welfare of his fellow believers and the weakness that he experienced. In weakness, we become vulnerable to temptation. We sometimes find ourselves doing things that we do not want to do. Nevertheless, Paul said that when he is weak, God makes him strong. Those who are weak sometimes avoid doing great things for the Lord. Paul tells us that God can use our weakness for His glory. Always remember that He is with the weak. There is no need to fall or surrender. He gives power to the faint. He is ever-present!