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Today’s devotion speaks clearly about God’s mighty power because God’s power can move mountains. God’s power can bring forth healing. God’s power can open doors that have been closed, and close doors that need to be closed. His power is available to those who believe and trust in Him. His power is made known when we pray in faith, believing with all our heart that God has the power to answer our prayers. In Mark 11:23, we find these words:

“I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.”

Jesus is speaking with His disciples. He wants them to know about the power of prayer because He is concerned for their welfare. He explained to them the power they will have when they put their faith and trust in God. Jesus demonstrated His power to them on many occasions, and He wants them to know that same power can be theirs. It is my prayer today that we each discover God’s mighty power for ourselves, and we tell others of His greatness, His goodness and His power.