God has blessed us to see a new year. What a mighty God we serve! We are assured God will grant us new grace and mercy no matter what the day holds. What a wonderful way to live our lives, knowing that every day, God grants us with new mercies — not leftover mercies or recycled mercies — but new and blessed mercies! Take the time today to thank God for this new year and for the assurance that every day, God will keep us in His loving care. From winter to spring, and summer through the fall, God grants us blessings from on high. In Lamentations 3:23, we find these words:
“Great is his faithfulness;his mercies begin afresh each morning.”
The writer makes it clear that the faithful love of the Lord never ends; His mercies never cease. The writer goes on to say, in verse 25, “The Lord is good to those who depend on him.” What a blessing it is to rely and depend upon the Lord! My soul cries out today giving God praise, knowing that every day of this year God’s grace and mercy will be given unto us. Give Him praise! Happy New Year!