It is so important that as God’s believers, we have godly pursuits. God’s Word teaches us to set our affections on things above and not things on earth. Our motives, agendas, and all that we do should be done to pursue holiness and righteousness. Two months after making resolutions at the beginning of the New Year, we find ourselves in the midst of the Lenten Season. The questions that confront all of us are: Have we made godly resolutions and Lenten season sacrifices? Have we sought to follow God? The Word teaches us in Matthew 6:21 that, “wherever your treasure is, the desires of your heart will be also.” In Romans 14:19, we find these words:
“So then, let us aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up.”
Paul encourages the people to pursue the proper objectives. He encourages them to build each other up, and to strengthen each other. Paul has been making this plea for some time. He reminds them that love, humility, kindness and gentleness are expected when serving the church of the Lord. And in verse 20, he warns them not to do anything that will cause another person to stumble. When you get a chance, read this entire chapter. Then we should each ask ourselves, “what is my heart’s desire?” Prayerfully, we will all be able to answer saying, “my desire is to have godly pursuits so that I may follow God.”