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Today’s devotion is a continuation of yesterday’s devotion regarding the Lord’s mercy. Our focus is on God being in control. When things are out of our control, God can handle them. God is supreme. There are somethings that we cannot handle, no matter how strong or intelligent we are. These are the things that we must give to God. I love the Prayer of Serenity. It simply says, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to accept the things I can, and the wisdom to know the
difference.” That is something that all of us will need to discover. In Psalm 94:19, find these words:

“When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.”

The psalmist recognizes that there are some things going on that are causing him concern, but he was able to face them because he knew enough about God to give his concerns over to Him. He did not try to manage everything by himself because he knew that God would come to his rescue. He was confident that God would handle what he could not. There are some things that we all have in our lives that we cannot handle by ourselves. Prayerfully, we are all confident that God is in control!