Whenever we are in a battle, we need to remember that God will arm us with His strength. We are never in the fight alone, for God is always with us. Not only is He with us, but He also sustains us with His power. Often in the heat of the battle, we tend to focus so much on the enemy that we forget that we have the Lord on our side. We do not have the strength to fight our battles alone. If we relied on our own strength, we would lose every time. How we deal with burdens and problems is critical. We must keep in mind that the Lord is on our side. In Psalm 18:32, we find these words:
“God arms me with strength and He makes my way perfect.”
The psalmist speaks clearly about how the Lord is guiding and protecting him. In verses 4 –19, he talks about how the ropes of death entangled him. In his distress, he cried out to the Lord, and the Lord heard him and rescued him, scattering his enemies and leading him to a place of safety. The psalmist is confidently assured that God’s arms will keep him. It is my fervent prayer today that whenever we go through life’s challenges, we will have the same confidence as the psalmist and know that that God will arm us with the strength that we need.