Every now and then I wear a button on my lapel that reads “The Power of One.” Many people have asked what the button means. I tell them what it says in the Word of God in the 28th Chapter of Matthew, that we are commissioned to tell others of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. This is The Great Commission. In Matthew 28:19, we find these words:
“’Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.“
I once heard a preacher who complimented members of his congregation for taking notes to record points of the sermon. He then asked them to go one step further and to share their notes with others. One of the greatest blessings that any believer can receive is to sow a seed in the life of someone who will ultimately come to Christ. The words
in today’s scripture are a mandate. The intent is for us to go in the name of Christ, teaching and sharing the qualities, virtues and saving grace known to Christians. Matthew spoke of baptism as a reflection of new life in Christ. Go in the name of Jesus Christ, and know that as we go, we are not alone. The Master says in Matthew 28:20 (KJV), “’I am with you even unto the end of the world.’” Our Redeemer and Savior summons us to go. Will you go today and share the Word? Will you seek to make disciples of all nations? Go by the power that He has given us to bear witness of His saving grace.