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There are times when I put a title on the devotion first, then have to wait to be led by the Lord to build the meat around the title. Thank God for the Holy Spirit that equips me to convey His Words to the readers! Prayerfully, there is value in the word Food. I am not talking about the food that we eat for bodily nourishment; we certainly need that. But I am talking about food for the soul—the Bread of Life which will sustain us even when our stomachs are empty, and our hearts are heavy. When the troubles of life drain and deplete us, we can call on God for Food from on high. Prayerfully, you have partaken of this Bread of Life — you cannot be completely nourished until you have also been filled from on High. In John 4:34 we find these words:

Then Jesus explained: ‘My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing His work‘.

Jesus, the Master Teacher, is responding to the disciples’ who were encouraging Him to eat some food. In this chapter, we read how the woman left her water pot saying, “I met a man.”  Jesus was always doing the work and the will of His Father. Remember, when He was tempted by Satan, He responded saying that man cannot live by bread alone. Christ was talking about another food— the work to be accomplished. His desire was to do His Father’s will. What do you hunger after? What is your desire? Do you desire the Bread of Life? Come, eat and drink. Feast from the table that will never be depleted nor run dry. Thank God, today, for His Spiritual Food!