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Filled with Joy

We are blessed to have the joy of the Lord which is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10).  I remember a song we sang years ago; some of the lyrics are: “This joy I have, the world didn’t give it to me …, The word
didn’t give it and the world can’t take it away.” I have found those words to be true.  Not only is the joy of the Lord our strength, but the joy of the Lord gives us peace even in our time of trouble.  It is such a blessing to be filled with joy.  In John 15:11, we find these words:

‘”‘I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!’”

Anyone who is feeling downcast, discouraged, or overcome by the weight of burdens and cares should think on these words.  Christ not only gives peace to His people, but He adds the fullness of His joy.  Christ offers us His joy that enriches our lives by making them full and complete.  It fills all those empty places in our lives.  No one can do that but the Lord Himself.  Nothing else can compare to the joy that the Lord gives.  It is my prayer today that our cups are overflowing with the joy God has given to us. May the love and joy of the Lord fill your heart today. Rejoice in the Lord forevermore!