On this Father’s Day, thank Almighty God for fathers who have the heart of the Heavenly Father. A father’s love makes him sacrifice for his children. A godly father will never give up on his children even though they may wander away. He is there to encourage, pray for and support his sons and daughters. Today, I pay tribute to my spiritual father, Reverend Albert Franklin Campbell, Pastor Emeritus of Mt. Carmel Baptist Church who continues to be my rock, my mentor and coach. My biological father is not present in my life, and my spiritual father provides me with the love and care that I need. In addition, my Heavenly Father loves and embraces me, even when I did not want to embrace myself. Our Heavenly Father will always be there for us. A familiar story, in Luke 15:20 we read a beautiful story worthy of our observance Father’s Day.
“So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.”
In this passage, we have the story commonly known as The Prodigal Son. We know that he wasted all his father’s resources. However, sometimes we overlook the father. The father saw his son the way off, ran to kiss and embrace him. The father did not have malice toward him or seek ill will upon his son. His love for his son was so strong that he was glad to see him coming home. What a wonderful story of a father’s love for his son. That is the way our Heavenly Father loves us. Always ready to welcome us home. Today, thank God for your biological father, your spiritual father, and most of all for your Heavenly Father.