Troubles and trials are a part of life. We cannot escape them. The question is, “What do we do when we are facing trials?” One answer is that we can deal with them by ourselves, without God. Unfortunately, many people try this, then become angry, or resentful if things become more difficult. Another answer is that we can face trials confidently, knowing that God will bring us through. We can use trials to help us to grow spiritually. If it were not for the trials of life, we would not have the knowledge of what God is able to do. The Word tells us that in this life, we will have trials and troubles, but to be of good cheer, because Jesus has come to overcome the world. Therefore, we can face trials with confidence in God to bring us through. In James 1:2, we find these words:
“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.”
James indicates that when troubles and trials come our way, this is an opportunity for us to develop our faith. He continues, in verses 3 and 4 saying, “For you know when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James is saying that trials increase our growth when we learn how to depend upon God. A love for the Lord can be developed to be more meaningful, and we discover the magnificent power of God when we go through the trials of life. What a testimony we have once God has brought us through! The next time we are facing trials, we need to look at them as an opportunity to grow.