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Don’t Get Comfortable In Your Bondage

One of the many dangers we face in life is to be in bondage. Sometimes we find ourselves comfortable in bondage. God has set us free; however, for some reason, some of us are satisfied being enslaved by sin. To be enslaved is a terrible place to be. Every day we read of those who are bound by addiction, greed – the list goes on. We often make excuses for why we’d rather stay where we are, no matter the situation, rather than experience real freedom and liberty. In Exodus 16:3, we find these words:

If only the Lord had killed us back in Egypt,” they moaned. “There we sat around pots filled with meat and ate all the bread we wanted. But now you have brought us into this wilderness to starve us all to death.

The people of Israel were complaining. God had set them free from slavery in Egypt; they were on their way to the Promised Land, yet they were complaining. They forgot about the horrible things that took place in Egypt and didn’t appreciate that the Lord had delivered them. Read this story when you get a chance. It speaks to all of us because it reminds us that we need to remember that God has given us freedom as well. Although we may have areas in our lives that keep us in bondage, I pray, today, that we break any strongholds.  And no matter what, don’t get comfortable in your bondage!