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As I pen these words about the need to count your blessings, I think of these song lyrics, “Count your blessings. Name them one by one, and you will see what God has done.” However, I would add that there are not enough numbers to calculate God’s total blessings to us. They are too numerous for us to count. Every day He sends forth new blessings that we can neither name nor number. Blessings of His love, strength, and forgiveness are a small number in an unlimited list. James 1:7 is our scripture reference today.

 “Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.”

James writes that whatever comes to us that is good and perfect is a blessing from God. God never changes. He provides blessings to those who put their trust in Him. James writes that God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. God’s blessings are numerous. If we need wisdom or faith, all we need to do is ask God, who will bless us with both. What wonderful ways James indicates that God’s people receive His bountiful blessings. Take the time to write down the numerous blessings you have received from God. I guarantee you will run out of paper. Before you run out of paper, thank Him for each blessing He has given you. When you bless God, He will bless you.