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Call On The Lord

A few years ago, I was moved with compassion as our then Vice President, now President, Joe Biden, grieved over the loss of his son, Beau. I cannot imagine the pain that he felt. He had already been through so much, as he had suffered the loss of his first wife and daughter in a tragic car accident. Nonetheless, his faith remained strong. I marveled at his ability to serve our country in the midst of his grief. He said that his first tragedy taught him to call on the Lord. I felt myself grieving with him even though I knew that his faith was strong. In Psalm 141:1, we find these words:

“O Lord, I am calling to you. Please hurry. Listen when I cry to you for help!.”

The psalmist prays from the depths of his heart that God will give ear to his voice. His prayer is for protection from the circumstances that surround him and he seeks the Lord’s presence, asking Him to make haste. He does not want to say anything to dishonor God and he wants his words to show a deep and genuine love for Him. Prayerfully, that is something we will all do in times of great need. Someone said that when life’s problems mount with trouble and sorrow, we can choose to get better or get bitter. The President has shown us an example of someone who chose to get better, and we thank God for him. May we all learn as he did, that in the time of trials, tribulations, and sorrow, to call on the Lord.