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Born Again

This matter of rebirth is crucial and critical to our relationship with God. To have Him come  into our lives fully, there must be a conversion experience. Good works alone are not enough to save us. All of our intellect and knowledge is useless unless we have this radical transformation of the new life in Christ. Someone once said, “I looked at my hands, and my hands looked new. I looked at my feet and they did too.”  We must know that we have had a conversion experience. We may not be able to explain it in theological terms or even know the exact date and time that it occurred; but, we need to know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that we had an encounter with God that changed our lives completely. In John 3:3, we find these words: 

“Jesus replied, ’I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.’”

Nicodemus, a ruler in the land, came to Jesus regarding His teachings because he did not fully understand this matter of being born again. The Master explained to Nicodemus what it meant to be born again of the Spirit. This is a familiar story, but it is worthwhile reading over and over again. It is my prayer today we fully understand what is needed to enter into the Kingdom of God, and that we have also experienced being born again.