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As I pondered over this devotion, I had to stop, meditate, and ask God to breathe into my spirit the words to express what I mean by “Beautiful Messengers.” I think it is important that His people know how God views those who declare His message. Every messenger, including me, has flaws and other weaknesses, but God chooses ordinary people to proclaim His Word.  In Isaiah 52:7, we find these words:

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!”

The prophet describes the messenger of God — the one who brings good tidings and who makes and keeps God central in the lives of people — as beautiful.  Not only is the messenger beautiful, but the one that the messenger proclaims as Lord is beautiful.  This is important because we must look beyond the messenger, and grab hold of the one whom the messenger is proclaiming as Lord.  He is God —Yahweh — our Lord.  Each of us has the ability to be beautiful messengers, for we all can proclaim the good news of our most High God.  I consider it an honor, a privilege, and a blessing to be a beautiful messenger, and I will be one for the rest of my life.  Prayerfully, you will too!