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As people of God, we are called to bear one another’s burdens. People who are going through trials and tribulations need support, encouragement and prayers. Bearing one another’s burdens is crucial to our walk with God. In Galatians 6:2, we find these words:

Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.”

Notice that the scripture says to “obey the law of Christ.” This is not an option, but a mandate. We have a responsibility to be concerned about our brothers and sisters. Paul sets the example in his day-to-day living. Throughout his writings, we read of his compassion for his brothers and sisters in the Lord. He never focused on himself, but on the well-being of fellow believers. When they were hurt, he was hurt; when they were in pain, he was in pain. God used him in a mighty way because of his humility and service to others. It is my prayer today that we are able and willing to bear each other’s burdens, without complaining, to the glory of God.