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This has been an unbelievable year. We have been dealing with the Coronavirus in ways that we never experienced before. There were those who said that this is the new norm as we practice social distancing and other measures of protection of others and ourselves. I would argue strongly that this is not the new norm for this season will pass. As I write this devotion for July, I pray that by July this virus will have passed. However, if it has not passed, we need to remember to be patient in affliction: not to give up, and throw in the towel, but to trust God. Patience is a virtue and we need to be careful that we do not lose our way, but to remain steadfast in the Lord. We are told to wait on the Lord and be of good courage for He will strengthen our heart. But, those who are impatient find themselves in the valley of despair. Today’s devotion reference is found in Romans 12:12.

 “Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.”

Paul, the humble servant of the Lord, calls upon the people that he loved to be patient in their troubles. Paul has been sharing God’s grace and mercy with them and wants them to be consistent in prayer and not to lose hope. He wants the people to honor God diligently. He tells them to rejoice for the hope that they have in the Lord. They are to remain steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. He fully knows that they need to honor each other in brotherly love and to serve the Lord in spirit and in truth. My fervent prayer today is that you have learned the secret of being joyful in the time of trouble, and that you are patient as you wait on the Lord.