Be Careful of What Comes Out Of our Mouths
There are so many rich lessons we can learn from the book of Job. Job was an upright man that pleased God. He remained steadfast throughout all of his trials, and was loyal and trusting towards the Lord. Job’s reverence for God was in his heart, on his mind, and on his lips. Even when his wife told him to curse God and die, Job remained steadfast. In Job 2: 10, we find these words:
“But Job replied, “‘You talk like a foolish woman. Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?’” So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.”
Job scolded his wife for speaking foolishly. He was also careful that no words from his mouth were dishonoring to God, and he did not allow his situation to cause him to speak negatively about God. Job kept a testimony in his heart and on his lips. How tragic it is when we allow words to come out of our mouths that are not pleasing to God! Prayerfully, every word we speak, whether we are in a crisis or not, will honor God and our fellow neighbor. We should remember the behaviors of Job. Prayerfully we will follow his example.