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Each of us should ask the Lord to open our minds. A closed mind may cause us to miss
the blessings God has waiting for us. We cannot serve God with closed minds. Our
hearts, as well as our minds, need to be open so we can receive what God has for us.
Someone told me years ago that you cannot receive anything with closed hands. In
order to receive something our hands must be open. In the same way, our minds must
be open. God is Amazing! He can do some great and exciting things! He does it
every day. Do not allow your mind to close. In Luke 24:45, we find these words:

“Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.”

Jesus appeared to the disciples as they were walking along the road, startling them. He
said to them, “Peace be with you.” They did not believe that it was
Jesus, the same one they had just watched be crucified on the cross. He
told them everything that would happen, but they did not believe Him.
Their minds were not open to understand, until He told them that it was
written long ago that the Messiah would suffer, die, and rise from the
dead on the third day. Read this entire chapter. Prayerfully God will
open our minds. Know that we serve a living, loving Lord.