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A Time Of Celebration

A few years ago, one of our youth, along with her mother,  asked for prayer, before traveling to teach in Rome. I anointed them both with oil, for it was truly a time of celebration. I asked her if she had ever traveled this distance before, and I also asked her if she was nervous. She said that she was, and I read to her a quote from Neale Donald Walsh that said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” I mentioned this during  our Church Without Walls Prayer service, and Pastor Lisa Barnett sent me a text with the complete quote. It reads,  “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone so if you are feeling uncomfortable right now, know that the change taking place in your life is a beginning not an ending.” In Luke 15:32, we find these words:

We had to celebrate this happy day. For your brother was dead and has come back to life! He was lost, but now he is found!’”

This is the story of the prodigal son who prematurely asked for and received his inheritance from his father. The son left home and wasted it all; yet, the father celebrated when the son returned home. The older brother who stayed home was envious, but the father did not let that stop him from receiving the returning son with love. This son began life anew when he came to the end of his own comfort zone. His life was turned around forever. What a wonderful story. We should always remember that life begins when we come to the end of our worldly comfort zone, where we trusted in ourselves only. We begin life brand new when we learn to trust in, love, and serve God. That’s a time of celebration indeed!